You feel like each step is spring loaded similar to how 350s or Ultra Boosts feel but maybe even moreso because it’s a more plush material. They’re extremely bouncy when you walk around, in the best way. (Leather Supreme pants and foam runner massive fit definitely incoming, by the way. But it’s a challenge I look forward to overcoming. So far (it’s been like 5 hours) I’ve only worn them with sweatpants so it’s not something I’ve had to encounter so far. The inverted foot opening (which Ye described on Joe Rogan as more ergonomic) means pants drape over the tops of them differently than other shoes, which as Ye himself admitted takes some getting used to. Despite the aforementioned similarities to Crocs, they’re truly unlike any other shoe on the market not just in terms of shelf-appeal but also on foot. Ok Jake, enough with the sneaker soliloquy.

As such, with them still top of mind, I knew for me it was time to pull the trigger. With two and a half years of hindsight, it’s safe to now say that the Foam Runners have gone through their initial hype cycle, the bad fits have been posted, and now are here to stay. Like the best movies, the best sneakers aren’t just celebrated for wow-factor right out the gate, but because people want to come back to them for years to come. Hopping on a new Yeezy just because they’re new would be to truly just be buying into the hype. (Re-sale prices, which continue to climb, seem to indicate more people are feeling them right now than ever before.)īut I didn’t get them right out of the gate was because with such an out-there idea, I wanted to see if they would have any staying power. Crocs have now trickled down from chefs to fashion-forward folk to frat guy favorite, and frankly the Foam Runner has reaped the benefits, looking more appealing, wearable, and socially acceptable as time goes on. In the same way that Ye said way back in 2015 on Hot 97 that he wanted to make “ sexier Ugg ,” (funny how he just did it with the NSTLD boot), with the Foam Runner the intention was clearly to make a more modern Crocs shoe. When the Foam Runners first debuted in 2019, I pretty much immediately knew what Ye was going for.
(In a city full of dudes dripping in Amiri and Versace, I’ll basically look like I was dressed by Dieter Rams in comparison.) This decision was also motivated by the fact that I’m going to Miami for my best friend’s bachelor party this week, and some slip-on kicks with a little bit of wild style just seemed to fit the South Beach vibe. For the last few months my interest in the Foam Runners has quietly shifted from “nah to “probably not,” to “well maybe,” to “I need ‘em like Pusha T needs coke bars,” and yesterday just happened to the tipping point day. So, I know what you’re thinking: How did this happen? Why did it happen now? What am I thinking? Okay, okay. I’ll still send out the shopping list ASAP! But I decided to switch it up after actually buying a pair. I originally intended to send out my weekly “Things I Want to Buy This Week” post today, and the first item on the list was the Yeezy Foam Runner.